Monday 11 November 2013

Y10 Recommended Reading - Creative Writing

Year 10 suggested reading list: Writing Controlled Assessments
Below are some suggestions for reading which may help with your work this half term. In order to write well, you must be well-read. Many of the books listed below are available in the school library.
Short stories
Clive King
Adventure Stories
Tony Bradman
Amazing Adventure Stories
Saul Bellow
Collected Stories of Saul Bellow
Edgar Allen Poe
The Complete Stories
David Almond
Counting Stars
Philip Pullman
Detective stories
Steven King
Different Seasons

Miriam Hodgson
Family Tree
Tom Watt
Football shorts
Tony Bradman
Give me shelter
Sonia Nimr
Ghaddar the Ghoul and Other Palestinian Stories

Selim Ileri
Ilkgenclik Cagina Oykuler
Ernest Hemingway
Men Without Women

Kemal Ozer


Guy de Maupassant

The Necklace and Other Short Stories
Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl Collected Short Stories
Kevin  Crossley-Holland

Short! A book of very short stories
Michael Morpurgo

The White Horse of Zennor and Other Stories from Below the Eagle's Nest

Rehana Ahmed
Walking A Tightrope: New Writing from Asian Britain

Travel writing
Bill Bryson
Down Under
Made in America
Notes from a Big Country
Notes from a Small Island
Orhan Pamuk
Istanbul: Memories of a City

Graham Green
Journey without Maps
Benjamin Zepheniah
Kung Fu Trip
Tony Hawks
Playing the Moldovans at Tennis
Roger Deakin
Waterlog: A Swimmer's Journey Through Britain

Writing guides
Shaun McCarthy
Write That Story

Tony Bradman
So you want to write fiction
Robyn Gee
The Usborne Guide to Better English - Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation
Simon Basher
Basher Basics: Grammar
Don Shiach
Basic Grammar
Bahire Serif
English Grammar (for Turkish Speakers)
GCSE English Grammar
Angela Burt
Grammar Repair Kit
Carolyn Humphries
Really Simple English Grammar

Useful websites: